Currently //  Mostly Cloudy
Temperature // 47.8°F
High Today // °F @
Low Today // °F @
Sunrise // 07:29
Sunset // 19:14
As observed at @ 2014-10-05 17:28:43

Today's Highs, Lows & Averages

Graph of various readings over the last 24 hours.

Historical data can be found at Weather Underground where the weather station is also providing information for public consumption. You can download a comma separated values file of today's data here. Forecast and current condition data is provided by the National Weather Service.

Here are a few various weather related pictures taken with my Canon digital camera.

Hourly reports and near-term forecasts can also be subscribed to on Twitter. Follow @WoodburyMNWX.

Mostly Cloudy

Mostly Cloudy

Mostly Cloudy


(c) 2002